
Showing posts from July, 2023

A Brief Introduction To Sikhism Religion

A Brief Introduction To Sikhism Religion A Brief Introduction To Sikhism Religion | Sikhs Beliefs Practices A Brief Introduction To Sikhism Religion | Sikhs Beliefs Practices See More Sikhism | Religion | Sikhs | Sikh Encyclopedia Sikh Rehat Maryada | Sikh Code Of Conduct | Sikh Martyrs Over twenty million Sikhs follow a revealed, distinct, and unique religion born five centuries ago in the Punjab region of northern India. Between 1469 and 1708, ten Gurus preached a simple message of truth, devotion to God, and universal equality. Often mistaken as a combination of Hinduism and Islam, the Sikh religion can be characterized as a completely independent faith. A Brief Introduction To Sikhism Religion | Sikhs Beliefs Practices Sikhism rejects idolatry, the caste system, ritualism, and asceticism. It recognizes the equality between both genders and all religions, prohibits the intake of any intoxicants,